
Music, Portland

Stormy Weather

12.03.07 | Comment?

I just walked over to the windows here at the office and it looks like we’re under water.  On the eleventh floor.  It’s been pouring rain lately.  Yesterday evening I drove in the downpour and wished I had not.  We’re used to rain but in these amounts even the locals develop apocalyptic twitches.

Earlier today I listened to War All the Time by Poison Idea, one of the all-time great albums.  Sometimes one doesn’t pay complete attention to familiar songs, but today for some reason I was really listening to the guitar work.  Which led, amidst the enjoyment, to the sadness of remembering Pig Champion’s death earlier this year.  The band had been defunct for some time before that but his death certainly foreclosed any future reunions, which is too bad because I did not see them play live often enough.

I did meet the frontman, Jerry A., a couple of times.  The singer in the band I was in at the time befriended him.  Let me just say that Mr A. is among the more intimidating men I’ve ever met.  I don’t think I much registered with him.

When I saw the Accüsed last time, at one point the singer Blaine pointed out that PI drummer Thee Slayer Hippy was in attendance.  That was before Pig’s death, and it would have been great to see the two bands play one more gig together.

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