

Radicals co-opted

03.30.09 | Comment?

So over the weekend I came into possession of a $15 iTunes gift card.  Browing through the offerings I looked for some of the more obscure albums I used to own but lost with most of my vinyl collection (entirely due to my own laziness).  One of them was We  Don’t Want Your Fucking War, a punk compilation from 1984.  Lo and behold it was on offer and I promptly bought it.  Apparently it was re-issued as a CD a few years ago and I guess that step of digitization ensured it would end up for sale at MP3 sites.  Anyway, I’m sure that the few tenths of a cent in royalties that accrue to the Soledad Brothers’ account for their song “Burn the Rich” will make up for the painful failure of the revolution in the intervening 25 years.

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