Selected Short Stories William Faulkner Watchmen Allan Moore & Dave Gibbons Topics in Contemporary Mathematics Ignacio Bello et al Shadow Divers Robert Kurson The Assassins Joyce Carol Oates The Darkest Evening of the Year Dean Koontz The Lost Spy: An American in Stalin’s Secret Service Andrew Meier The Fortress of Solitude Jonathan Lethem The Decline […]
Further to yesterday’s post, yes, every man’s death diminisheth me and I have no personal animus for the man. But just now I finished listening to Social Distortion’s “Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell” and it occurred to me that every song on that album is filled with infinitely more energy and emotion than anything I’ve […]
In tenth grade, my friend Aykut and I gave a presentation on heavy metal to our French class. I don’t recall much beyond us posing in our jeans jackets with the patches of various bands, thumbs hooked in our bullet belts, boom box playing a few select tunes. I do remember someone asking what we thought of […]
Mrs The Fyd seems to be coming down with a cold. Is it the swine flu? She did cook a pork dish for dinner last night, and last week she made tacos.
I was looking for a phone number on the Safeway Pharmacy website, and noticed that they have a blog. I hesitate to investigate this phenomenon further. Something I leap at with alacrity, however, is the amazing satellite photo o’ the day from NASA.
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