This year and last have not been auspicious if you are one of my favorite writers. First Iain Banks died last year. Now Sue Townsend has passed away. Adrian Mole and I were roughly contemporaries, if not exactly equally neurotic. I remember laughing out loud at this: The stupid dog is back. I am not […]
Awhile back I posted about a website devoted to simple (i.e. minimalist) desks, and how I liked the idea but used my computer with a lap desk so it was all moot. That got me to reconsidering my situation and so I started using the desk I had previously set up in the basement, just […]
Earlier this month I visited San Francisco with my father for a couple of days. Among other things we visited the De Young museum. There I was struck by this photograph, and on inspection, recognized the name of the artist, Imogen Cunningham. Not because I have any especial knowledge of 20th century female American photographers, but […]
I was going to write about the frothing hysteria surrounding the retention bonuses at AIG, especially the preening idiocy on display by our political class, but too obviously the saliency of intent, contract, and outcome is not going to silence the braying. So I will be lazy again and use Typealyzer to find out, yes, […]
Haven’t updated in awhile? Uninspired? Brain fried by contemplating spreads between Treasury and prime money market funds? Then there are only two options left; typing in the first ten songs that come up when you shuffle your iPod, or copying in the most recent top search queries for your blog. I am sure the former […]
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