

Bad things happening to good me

01.22.07 | Comment?

Yesterday we finished putting together an armoire.  As I said two weeks ago, after the first, abortive, attempt to assemble this devil (attempt frustrated because of crappily-rendered diagrams that caused me to ruin a dozen vital dowels that needed to be re-ordered), while wiping the blood and sweat from my brow, if Mrs wants any more furniture assembled she can have her next husband help her.

All of which means that I am well aware I have little to complain about in my life.  There are folks putting up with a lot of pain and suffering in the world, not that I necessarily want those people putting their coats in my armoire.  Life is bittersweet, and coincidentally I just listened to the song “Bittersweet” by the Hoodoo Gurus.  Even more coincidentally I noticed in my planner that next Monday is Anniversary Day in New Zealand.  What a wonderful socialist conceit, consolidating everyone’s wedding anniversary on one day, so as to spare the blushes of innumerable husbands, as well as destroying any ounce of individual meaning the messy bourgeois scattering of dates once had.  Which means suffering is, to stretch a term, fungible.

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