
Walks with the dogs

A Tree Grows in Montavilla

09.10.07 | Comment?

Yeseterday was very warm, as if making up for the impression that we had an attenuated summer this year.  Previously I had discovered, growing right next to the trunk of the dogwood in our back yard, a maple sapling.  With the welcome assistance of our plant expert neighbor, we transplanted said sapling to the parking strip out front.  In another twenty years or so we’ll have a nice shade tree to protect the west-facing side of the house from the cruel globally-warmed sun.

Despite the warmth I took the dogs out on a couple of walks.  On the first we came across a shiny pickup truck with a couple of interesting bumper stickers.  One read, “Masturbation Is Not A Crime”.  I wasn’t aware that it was.  The other read (with suitable alteration to avoid even more comment spamming), “I Watch A Lot of Pr0n”.

Finally, yesterday evening we were on another walk when we skirted the edge of a local Alzheimer’s care facility (housed in an interesting building that used to be a convent and then a monastery.  A reminder that this area used to be rural and suitable for a religious retreat).  A couple of employees were sitting on the curb on a break, and one said, “Those are beautiful dogs!”  We get this a lot, since they are handsome indeed.  I  thanked her.  Then as we passed she said in shock, “They’re neutered!”  I stopped and said yes.  “That’s awful!” she cried.  For a moment I was speechless, then, trying not to be pedantic, mentioned how neutering them now spared killing unwanted dogs later.  She accepted that, doubtfully, and I walked on.  For how many people is the experience of a neutered dog that singular and upsetting?  I should have suggested she volunteer at an animal shelter if she wanted to see something awful.

Today we are due 95 degrees of dog-oppressing heat.  I hope I see no stupid bumper stickers or encounter other benighted enfants.

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