Yesterday was a busy Sunday. Additionally it was somewhat emotionally fraught for me. So this morning I was very tired. That tired as to require more caffeine, in addition to the iced mocha Mrs The Fyd made for me this morning (thanks! and also thanks for driving me to work!). I went and purchased a mocha from the coffee shop downstairs (sorry, Mrs The Fyd!). The coffee is fine, but as I was waiting some wretched Phil Collins song began playing on the PA and the annoying chatter of other patrons was not enough to obscure it from my hearing. God damn it, Seattle’s Best Coffee! I’m paying you money, please do abuse the holy rituals of commerce with this assault on my ears and intelligence.
Once I got back to my desk I needed something to scour the foul sound before it might prove impossible to dislodge from aural memory. Trusting in the serendipity of Shuffle, I hit play and The Prodigy’s “Diesel Power” began. That cured what ailed me, but it was a close call. Fuckers.
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