
Books, General

Prizes and Gifts

10.11.07 | 2 Comments

I’ve not read anything by Doris Lessing that I recall, so I don’t have any opinion whether or not she might be worthy of the prize announced today.  However I do have to wonder if any writer still alive really deserves the Nobel more than John Updike.  I recently read The Collected Henry Bech and clever man that he is, he had the foresight to award himself the Prize fictionally; he probably figured he’s useless for their purposes and won’t be so honored in real life.  I share a birth-date with Alfred Nobel, so exploiting such propinquity where I find it, I hereby award Updike a half-share.

Updike has to wait another year to be rejected again, but we only had to wait a day for the resolution of the Cookie Controversy


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