Yesterday evening the power went out for about a half-hour. Only a few hours earlier I had been walking with the dogs through a several-blocks-long blackout and felt relief when I turned a corner and saw I had reached the border of restored power and that our house was lit. Whatever was wrong in that area had moved on to ours. Now, a few minutes of reading by a camping lantern is no hardship, and I am well aware of how the lack of power causes real suffering in less fortunate parts. Still I felt annoyed. What kind of a power outage was this, with no wind and the temperature probably barely below freezing, if that? I suspect the power company was involved in some manner of current-interrupting maintenance and couldn’t be bothered with notifying any residents. There’s goes my self-regard as an opponent of the conspiracy theorists.
Just after the power was restored something outside exploded, probably a streetlamp. This deeply frightened Boris, who hates fireworks and probably expected the barrage to continue all night. He lay on the sofa, a cowering and very flat dog, only his mournful brown eyes moving as we mocked him. It took some petting and the lure of a bouncing racquet ball to get him to forget the recent horror and get back to being his useful pushy self. Thankfully, because when there are exploding fireworks in the area, there’s no way he’s going outside and I always worry his bladder will burst during the night.
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