Last night while walking northwards with the dogs I noticed scattered folks along the west side of the street, gazing past me. Then I noticed there was the moon and it looked odd. I hadn’t brought my glasses with me but I did remember just then of the predicted lunar specatular, so although I didn’t see it all that clearly, I did see a total eclipse of the moon.
I was surprised how long it lasted. I hurried home as the last of the sun’s brightness was fading from the right limb of the moon. I expected that disturbing redness would have vanished by the time I got back to make sure Mrs The Fyd saw this. I needn’t have hurried; upon reflection it makes sense that the size of the Earth’s shadow makes for a leisurely transit and so Mrs and I went out on the back deck and gazed upon the darkened face of the moon for awhile. It looked rather like a dim photo of Mars.
The dogs noticed nothing. Either they are not primitive enough or else their nous has evolved to trump their nose for phenomena.
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