


02.26.08 | 1 Comment

I am a lousy chess player.  Most likely this is due to discouraging lack of success at beating the easiest levels of various computer chess games, with the ensuing decline of interest in improving my skillz.  My new iPod, however, promises to change this.  Yes, it not only slices and dices and cures halitosis, but it now holds a chess game I downloaded this last weekend.  The lowest level on this game is “Monkey”, and I must say that I have been spanking the monkey ever since Sunday.  Erm.  That is, I can easily and quickly beat the CPU opponent every time.

The next level is “Child”.  I hesitate to advance before I have throughly shamed my simian opponent.  Also I’m sure the Child will beat me and I’m not ready for the resulting despondency to stifle my dreams of chess mastery.

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