

Local Hero

04.06.08 | 2 Comments

Last night I went to a party where some half of those in attendance had all gone to high school together in Tillamook; indeed some had known each other going back to kindergarten.  I can’t even remember the names of anyone I went to kindergarten with (though I remember one teacher: Mrs. Romero) much less am I in touch with any of them.  I’m not even in regular contact with anyone I went to high school with, those that’s largely due to my own lack of effort.  At any rate, herewith is the list of my primary and secondary educational institutions:

Nursery School: name forgotten, Arlington, Virginia

Kindergarten: The American School of Madrid/King’s College, Madrid, Spain

1st Grade: Jamestown Elementary, Arlington, Virginia

2nd Grade:           

3rd Grade:                        /The American International School of Vienna, Austria

4th Grade:                                                           

5th Grade:                                                           

6th Grade: Fox Lane Middle School, Bedford, New York

7th Grade: International School of Geneva, Switzerland

8th Grade:            

9th Grade:           

10th Grade:           

11th Grade: The American School of the Hague, the Netherlands

12th Grade:           

 I sometimes feel jealous of those still in touch with their childhood circumstances.  I am comparatively deracinated. 


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