Due to my peripatetic upbringing, there are gaps in my cultural knowledge so far as it concerns 70s & 80s American film and televison. Mrs The Fyd is alternativly appalled and amused by this. Sometimes this shortfall in my education gives her the fits and so she insists I make up a specific lack. One of the most significant of these lacunae has been my near-complete lack of knowledge of the film The Goonies. I believe we were in the States the summer it came out and I recall the Cyndi Lauper video, but that’s as close as I ever came to viewing it. To gauge by Mrs The Fyd’s reaction to learning this, you might think the ship of our marriage had been in danger of foundering, the keel of our matrimony to be shattered on the reef of misaligned cultural referents. I myself felt I might have benefited from avoiding this particular bit of Americana, and was happy to continue in my blithe ignorance.
Until yesterday. I have now seen The Goonies. I am now allowed to call myself an American. May God have mercy on us all.
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