The vice-presidential candidate of one party is six years older than I, and the presidential candidate of the other party only nine years older. Either I am getting old or our political system is overwhelmed by the fresh groovy waves of youth. Obviously the only thing to do is to declare my own intention to run for the supreme office of the land. My platform will be built on cedar planks of crank Constitutionalism, advocacy of a new Platinum Standard, the abolishment of the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, the banning of Big Pants on kids, legalization of all drugs except pot, the perversion of community norms and the normalization of relations with Canada.
But no, it is not to be. I have already promised to write in Mrs The Fyd’s name on my ballot. And never let it be said that my vote is lightly promised or foolishly cast.
My platform will be More Chocolates For All.
Our matching Team Dempsey tattoos will come in very handy during the campaign.
Hmm, I understand that “Miester Band” will soon be eligible for the RnR Hall of fame, any comments?