In the recent past I have joined a couple of social networking sites, one at the invitation of my sister, the other at the urging of my wife. I’ve found it surprising how easy and pressure-free it is to reconnect with old friends. Some of them have gone on to impressive things, including one who is a post-doctoral fellowship in things evolutionary. Which reminds me of a bus trip years ago. There is a high school at the end of this particular line, so on my way to work I am sometimes afflicted with high schoolers. This one incident began when a girl was chattering on about how much she liked her biology class, and how interesting evolutionary theory was. Her boy companion interrupted with a sneering, “Well, it’s only Darwin’s theory, you know”. She immediately back-tracked and disavowed believing any of it at all. I wanted to smack the boy for thinking that he’d made some trenchant point, but which only demonstrated his own ignorance of the whole subject. But I felt it wasn’t my quarrel, and was probably too tired to say anything. What stuck with me since was my hope that the girl, sooner rather than later, would realise that just because some stupid boy disagrees with you doesn’t make him right.
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