

Boca Rio Madoff

01.21.09 | 1 Comment

Haven’t updated in awhile?  Uninspired?  Brain fried by contemplating spreads between Treasury and prime money market funds?  Then there are only two options left; typing in the first ten songs that come up when you shuffle your iPod, or copying in the most recent top search queries for your blog.  I am sure the former would come up all Napalm Death, so here goes the latter:

Search Query Number of requests
1. gryffyd dempsey 21
2. roxanne dunning 18
3. http://gislounge.com/ 12
4. kitchen sponge syndrome 9
5. otium sine litteris mors est 5
6. honi soit qui mal y pense 2
7. how old is eamon dempsey 2
8. do we really want to hurt you blog 2
9. stick this in your fuse box 2
10. western culinary institute 2
11. examples of being helpful 2
12. gridfire culture 2
13. otium sine litteris 2
14. honis dit qui pense 2
15. boca rio madoff 2
16. caitlin morais 2
17. gryffyd eamonn dempsey 2
18. fast fyd 2
19. dempsey tattoos 2
20. the f.u ‘s do we really want to hurt you? 2
21. asm hex 2
22. i got a letter from the government 2
23. honis dit qui mal y pense 2
24. honni soit qui mal y pense 1
25. on y soit que mal 1
26. vacances 1
27. il ne soit qui mal y pense 1
28. jon spencer blues explosion now i got worry 1
29. am i obliged to drive to work in snow 1
30. golden retriever cocker spaniel mix in portland oregon 1

1 Comment

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