
General, Technology

Montant comme la mer sur le roc noir et nu

02.09.09 | Comment?

Originally uploaded by thefyd


Last year I deleted a bunch of files on my laptop because I was running out of hard drive memory. Among the apps deleted was whatever allowed the computer to recognize my camera, and hence download photos. So for months I’ve not been able to transfer pictures from my camera to my computer, but last week I got the hard drive upgraded and they also restored all the initial applications, including iPhoto. This is one of the pictures I retrieved.

This was taken the morning last August when we went to see the Women Impressionists: Berthe Morisot, Mary Cassatt, Eva Gonzalès, Marie Bracquemond exhibition at the Legion of Honor. We were early so we drove around the area for a bit and walked down to this area, China Beach.  I post the picture for two reasons; this is San Francisco in high summer and it was as chilly that morning as it looks, and also to wonder just what the value of that house is and what must it be like to live there with that view?

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