
Books, Technology


11.11.09 | Comment?

So for my recent birthday, Mrs The Fyd got me a great present: an iPhone.  This very cleverly turned out to be good for her, since naturally she got one too.  Anyway this thing is absorbing, given the number of apps available.  While browsing through them the other day I saw that there was a free I Ching app.  Now I don’t credit such superstition, but I had to have it.  Why?  Because Marîd Audran, in the late, great, George Alec Effinger’s Budayeen novels, had an electronic I Ching.  Yes, I rate accessories depending on whether they have belonged to favorite fictional characters.

Audran also had a brain modification plug-in that allowed him to assume the persona of Nero Wolfe.  Perhaps when they develop the technology I’ll get the moddy that plugs in Audran plugging in Wolfe.

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