


11.13.10 | Comment?

I came across this post recently, and must admit that these peeks into strangers’ lives is also fascinating to me. I’m not sure I agree with the poster about these glimpses being poor substitutes for social interaction; instead I think that just as a motivation (certainly minor, probably unacknowledged) for visiting our friends and neighbors is not just to see them, but the chance to see how they live, so these views are part of what makes us connected, not surrogates.

That said, the most interesting to me is the link to the simple desks.  Those are beautiful pictures, but as peaceful and elegant as they are, I doubt I would get much work done at them.  At my day job I sit at a desk, but working at home I prefer to use my laptop with a lap desk, while relaxing in an armchair or on the sofa. So my setup is pretty simple, but definitely doesn’t quite have that refined air:

However, it does have a Mac, just like those other photos, and best of all it has a dog whose behind can just be seen to the right of the screen.

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