So I took a closer look at my valuable Canadian Quarter and discovered that the creature depicted thereon appears to be a moose, not an elk. Now I have never seen a moose but people I know who have experience with them invariably describe them as rather rude. Why a national mint would thus choose […]
I think a sign of Boris’ competence as the Scourge of Possums is my reflection, just now after hanging up the phone, that I really should add to speed dial the Multnomah County Animal Services’ Dead Animal Pickup number. I think this is number 4 on the dog’s tally, possibly 5 if my suspicions about […]
My headphones, Koss PortaPros, seem to be about to fail. Recently they have been yielding more distortion than music, leaving me with the feeling that I will hear the beep of Sputnik at any moment. Luckily I have spare headphones, and more luckily Koss will repair for free (with a small s/h charge) the product […]
Vinnie had to wear one of those cones for a couple of weeks. Thankfully that time is past. Too often in that troubled period his head, encumbered by that infernal apparatus, would blunder blindly too close the raised leg of Boris. Suffice it to say that a cone is just another kind of funnel, and […]
The forecast is for a huge winter storm to pound the Oregon coast and points further inland tonight. The dogs must stay indoors and learn to use the commode. We will tie the cats’ tails to lead weights to slow them down, thus furnishing the dogs with an enjoyable distraction to their imprisonment. If they grow […]
Unpleasant dog experiences: 1. The Dog Fond of Cat Poop entering the room with a kitty litter moustache 2. Three (3) towels used this evening to clean mud off one hound after the evening’s fetch in the rain 3. Avoiding the impending last call for a doggie bathroom visit while listening to the rain pour […]
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