As seen on Tim Pratt’s website:
“The work-in-progress meme. Turn to page 123 in your work-in-progress. (If you haven’t gotten to page 123 yet, then turn to page 23. If you haven’t gotten there yet, then get busy and write page 23.) Count down four sentences and then instead of just the fifth sentence, give us the whole paragraph.”
So, from p. 123 of my wip:
I was not disappointed, nor pleasantly surprised by the product that drizzled from a nozzle in an alcove of that cracked cabin. The station moved past the gaps and tears in the hull; we disengaged from its embrace and fell back down to the Earth. I was too busy to worry about the state of the ship or our destination; I concentrated on slurping up the ripe slurry the Consul had provided for our supper. I had been awake for hours beyond count — beyond the possibility of cramming their number into a frame of reference, having no timepiece and having bounced from land to orbit. I slumped back into one of the premolded seats, having found one that fit my ass, and blearily watched the haze of the planet’s atmosphere as it twinkled in and out of view past the dreadful portholes.
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