I went for a bike ride yesterday evening. Luckily nobody attacked me, nor did I find it necessary to use my AK. Nobody screamed “Faggot!” at me from their huge black pickup truck, no carload of yoots made barking noises at me, no crackers blared their horns at me for daring to ride in the bike lane. I did have one little gangsta wannabe try to block me as he weaved his BMX all over the road, but that was no big thing. The only really interesting part of the ride was when I was almost home, coasting along, when what sounded like a bike dragging six feet of chain along the road passed me. It turned out to be a guy with a Christian fish tambourine like this, if you scroll down, duct-taped to his back fender. He also had a small guitar amp on the bike rack, with a portable CD player connected to it. He wasn’t playing anything at that moment, but I wondered if he normally rode the streets playing amplified Jebus music. I would have liked to hear it.
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