

I Get My Thang in Action

12.14.08 | Comment?

Earlier this evening I was shoveling snow off the sidewalk, when I heard something I thought at first was a car’s open-door alarm.  I wondered who would be sitting in their car with the door open in this weather, when I realized the sound as that of an old-fashioned telephone.  Who would have their window open in this weather that I could hear their phone so clearly.  Then I recognized that it was my cell phone ringing, and that recently I had changed the ring tone for my father’s number to the old-fashioned bell sound, and that furthermore my father was calling back because I had let him a message earlier, wishing him happy birthday.

Technology almost caused me to miss a call from my father on his birthday.  What future innovation will prove to be the one to which I will not be able to fully adapt?

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