So I get into work and only then do I find out that yesterday’s snowfall has indeed blown the city’s gasket and the company I work for has closed for the day, along with apparently most of the rest of downtown businesses, given how deserted it was when I got off the bus. That actually doesn’t matter; even if I’d known about the closure I would have come in, as there are some market-dependent things I have to take care of anyway. Mostly I’m disappointed in this response to what was really not all that much snow. I suppose the very cold temperatures make the roads too dangerous for commuting, but more likely it’s an indictment of the moral fibre of my fellow citizens.
What actually pissed me off this morning occurred as I was crossing the street in front of our office building. “The light says don’t walk!” someone shouted behind me. I turned and saw a cop giving me the stink-eye. So I stepped back on the curb and waited beside the cop for the twenty seconds or so until the light changed. There was not a car in sight on any street around us; there weren’t even any other people. And I don’t think he appreciated it when I joked, “I thought when snow fell that there was no law.”
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